April 2, 2020
Dear Ones,
At this time we are being reminded that despite appearances to the contrary, there are gifts held within what is unfolding around the world right now. Beyond the fear, sadness, worry, isolation and overwhelm there are Blessings to be found amidst the seeming chaos, if we choose to seek them out.
Some of these may not be obvious at first glance as we are being inundated with news stories that would tell us otherwise, but they are there nonetheless if we are open to recognise them.
What we are being presented with in this now can be perceived, if we choose, as indeed a precious gift - one we may not normally afford ourselves as the usual busyness of life often takes precedence. It can be considered as a time to be truly present with loved ones, a time to rediscover what is important to us, a time to create, to dream, to simply BE.
Whatever may be showing up for you personally, I ask that you grasp this opportunity of time with both hands and at the very least take a moment to go within, to breathe and to reacquaint yourself at your deepest level of Being with the Peace which always resides within your Sacred Heart - it WILL serve you well.
Yes, Blessings come in many forms. The question is - will you open to receive them?